Administrator of personal data on the website is Noel Jacek Krzeszowiak with registered office at Spiżowa 15, 53-442 Wrocław, tax identification number (NIP) 8831367931.

Contact Information for Data Administrator

Jacek Krzeszowiak

Address: Spiżowa 15, 53-442 Wrocław


Information about Contact Forms

  1. The service collects information voluntarily provided by the user.
  2. The service may also store information about connection parameters (time stamp, IP address).
  3. Data from the form are not shared with third parties other than with the user’s consent.
  4. Data provided in the form are processed for the purpose resulting from the function of a specific form, e.g., to carry out the service process or commercial contact.

Information about Cookies

  1. The service uses cookies.
  2. Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are computer data, in particular text files, which are stored in the user’s end device and are intended for use on the Service’s websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on the end device, and a unique number.
  3. The entity placing cookies on the end device of the Service User and accessing them is the operator of the Service. Cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • creating statistics that help understand how Service Users use websites, which allows improving their structure and content;
  • maintaining the Service User’s session (after logging in), thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter their login and password on every subpage of the Service;
  • determining the user’s profile in order to display them tailored materials in advertising networks, in particular the Google network.

  1. Two basic types of cookies are used within the Service: “session” cookies (session cookies) and “persistent” cookies (persistent cookies). Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on the user’s end device until logging out, leaving the website, or turning off the software (web browser). “Persistent” cookies are stored on the user’s end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
  2. The software for browsing websites (web browser) usually by default allows the storage of cookies on the user’s end device. Service Users can change the settings in this area. The web browser allows you to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies. Detailed information on this subject is provided in the help or documentation of the web browser.
  3. Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the Service’s websites.
  4. Cookies placed in the end device of the Service User and used may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the operator of the Service.
  5. We recommend reading the privacy policy of these companies to learn about the rules of using cookies used in statistics: Google Analytics Privacy Policy
  6. Cookies may be used by advertising networks, in particular the Google network, to display ads tailored to the manner in which the user uses the Service. For this purpose, they may retain information about the user’s navigation path or the time spent on a given page.
  7. As part of information about user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit information derived from cookies using the tool:

Server Logs

Information about some user behaviors are subject to logging in the server layer. These data are used only to administer the website and to ensure the most efficient service of hosting services provided.

  • time of arrival of the inquiry,
  • response sending time,
  • the name of the client’s station – identification carried out by the HTTP protocol,
  • information about errors that occurred during the HTTP transaction execution,
  • the URL address of the page previously visited by the user (referer link) – in case the transition to the Service was made by a link,
  • information about the user’s browser,
  • Information about the IP address.

  1. The above data are not associated with specific persons browsing the pages.
  2. The above data are used only for server administration purposes.

Data Sharing.

  1. Data will be shared with external entities only within the limits permitted by law.
  2. Data enabling the identification of a natural person will be disclosed only with the consent of that person.
  3. The operator may be required to provide information collected by the Service to authorized authorities on the basis of lawful requests to the extent resulting from the request.

External Parameter Technologies and Tools

On the Websites, we use the following third-party tools for analytics, displaying behavioral advertising, remarketing, and measuring the results of advertising campaigns.

Based on the user’s behavior on the Websites and their pages (e.g., based on clicks, views, duration of visits) and their interests (search history on the Internet), which may be saved in cookies or based on other technologies we use on the Websites, anonymous or pseudonymized user profiles are created for the purpose of displaying behavioral advertising. Pseudonymization means that data or identifying features are replaced by artificial identifiers (pseudonyms). Based on these, the user may be presented with advertising materials tailored to their behavior on the Websites or the user’s preferences in the form of advertising displayed on the user’s device (behavioral advertising). Data about search history remains anonymous.

We strive to match the displayed ads to the user’s interests as best as possible, therefore, as part of behavioral advertising, the user may mainly see information about products or services they have previously viewed on the Websites. We use the following tools for the purposes mentioned in this point:

Google Analytics

This tool collects anonymous information about the user’s visit to the Website. These include, among others: displayed subpages, duration of the visit, pages between which the user moves on the Website. The purpose of this is to collect anonymous statistics about the functioning of the Website and to analyze the user’s activity on the Website, allowing to tailor the displayed offer to the user’s needs.

Google Ads

This tool allows us to present offers within the results displayed in the Google search engine and on pages that are part of the Google advertising network. As part of this service, we also analyze the effectiveness of our ads displayed on Google’s pages, which allows us to better match the offer to the user’s expectations. By clicking on an ad presented by Google on the user’s device, only statistical information used to identify this ad is obtained by storing cookies.

Facebook, LinkedIn

We use tools for advertising and remarketing purposes, using cookies from Facebook and LinkedIn. These providers install the appropriate piece of code or pixel to collect information about the user’s behavior on the Websites. Based on these, the user who visited our Websites will see our ads on other websites belonging to the external supplier’s advertising network.

Social Media

The Websites may also contain external links (e.g., to a Facebook fan page or a YouTube channel), when using which the user leaves our Website. We do not control the scope in which external providers collect data, and we do not have information about how it is processed. Information on this subject can be found in the privacy policy of the indicated provider.

More information about external providers:

Google LLC (also for YouTube), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA – Google Privacy Policy

Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA – Facebook Privacy Policy

LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA – LinkedIn Cookie Policy

We inform you that some data collected by external providers may be transferred outside the European Economic Area. At the same time, we also inform you that Google LLC, Facebook Inc., and LinkedIn Corporation have the EU-US Privacy Shield certificate confirming an adequate level of data protection.

Withdrawal of Consent to the Use of Cookies

The user can delete cookies after they have been saved by the Administrator, using the appropriate functions of the web browser or other tools for this purpose.

The user may withdraw their consent and change the settings (in the web browser options) of cookies to block their automatic handling or to inform about their placement in the Device each time. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software settings (web browser). Detailed information on withdrawing consent in the most popular web browsers can be found in the links below:

Internet Explorer™ – Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox ™ – Mozilla Firefox

Chrome™ – Google Chrome

Opera™ – Opera

Safari™ – Safari

After changing the settings in the browser, an “opt-out cookie file” will be placed, serving only to identify the user’s expressed objection to the use of cookies. The “opt-out cookie file” works only in the browser in which it was saved. By deleting cookies, using another browser, or another Device, it will be necessary to reset this file.

More information about cookies and other tracking technologies, including how to disable them, is available on the website